26 July 2010

Tinto De Verano

Some days are really hot and there is nothing better than having a cold drink in one of those little cafe in front of the sea. Since I have been in Spain, one of my favorite drinks is the so called "tinto de verano" or "summer red wine". What's the difference from a normal glass of red wine? Well here is how you make it:
  • red wine (it doesn't have to be the best kind either because you'll have to mix it)
  • sparkling lemonade (if you are in Spain you might want to buy CASERA which is a "gaseosa")
  • ice
  • slice of lemon
In a tall glass put first the ice, then fill half of it with wine and the rest with the sparkling lemonade. As a final touch add a slice of lemon. You can adjust the proportions depending on your personal taste.


12 April 2010

Semana Santa (Holy Week)

Semana Santa in Almería isn't like anything you have seen before! I had the opportunity to experience it this year, living in Spain and I was amazed by it!

Even if you are not religious, it is difficult not to be moved, the atmosphere is so vital and poignant. For some it is a fun filled fiesta time, for others a week of ritual and reflection. Without a doubt, Holy Week in Andalucía is a tradition that is an integral part of the culture and appropriately reflects the spirit of the people.

Each and every village proudly enjoys the beauty and mystery of "Semana Santa" although there are variances and some towns for instance, will preserve certain traditions more than others. The villages generally hold their parades on Thursdays and Fridays, while the large capital cities (Almería included) have week long celebrations and attract thousands of people from far and wide.

In a way, it reminded me of some processions I have seen in my mother's village in Sicily with all the women behind the statues with lots of candles everywhere and the strong smell of incense in the air. Processions are elaborately decorated with flowers and with either Jesus or Mary statues, groups of pointy-hood wearing Nazarenos (penitents), and many bands, walking slowly through the streets, from their parish church to the cathedral and back. It's an extraordinary experience that everyone would enjoy!